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Getting to Kili with Amy

Updated: Mar 7, 2023

What was your favourite part of taking on this Kilimanjaro fundraising challenge and do you have any advice to pass on to our current fundraisers?

My favourite part was probably meeting my team out in Moshi and just feeling super proud that everyone had completed the fundraising and made it out there! Everything from that point was also incredible but it was great to have had the opportunity to contribute to all of those people beginning their Kilimanjaro experience!

My advice would be to talk to EVERYONE you know/meet about what you’re doing - you’ll be surprised how many people will want to help and be inspired by you! Also, try to bounce fundraising ideas off other people - it can feel hard at times and like you’ve got a huge amount to raise but once you start chipping away at it, it becomes a lot easier!

As a Team Leader you visited the projects in Kenya before your climb, can you tell us what that was like and how it felt to be there after your year of fundraising?

I still feel so lucky that I was able to experience the projects in Kenya. It was a very grounding experience and we were welcomed by everyone we met with open arms. I think the most amazing part was to meet Justus, Nelly and their team out in Kenya and to see how integrated they are with all the projects and the communities. They dedicated so much of their time to educating us about what they’re doing out there and it was so nice to see that there is a lovely team of people working alongside the UK Dig Deep Team!

We know that reaching the summit of Kilimanjaro is a once in a lifetime experience. Did you have a favourite memory from the mountain itself?

At Shira Cave camp, it was the clearest night and there were so many stars - definitely the most amazing night sky I’ve ever seen. The temperatures drop so much in the evenings but we all stood outside freezing for ages just in total awe.

How has the overall experience changed you or benefitted you since leaving University?

The team leader role made me realise how much I loved bringing people together in an outdoor environment and how sharing experiences like these with others creates the most incredible long-standing memories. Shortly after the trip, I gained my Mountain Leader qualification and have been working as an instructor since. I think the whole Kilimanjaro experience contributed hugely to a passion for the outdoors and really gave me the boost I needed to believe I could create a career centred around it.

What three words would you use to sum up your Kilimanjaro experience?

Inspiring, adventurous, enriching

Thank you so much for taking the time to be on our blog this month Amy. It has been great to hear your reflections on climbing Kilimanjaro and how the experience has stayed with you.

Has Amy inspired you? Registrations to join our 2022 Kilimanjaro teams are now open. Head over to our website to find your closest team or join one of our upcoming information sessions.

Or if you would like to feature in our 'Confessions of a Fundraiser' series then get in touch by dropping us an email (

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